Leitz Adjustable 4,3 & 2 Slots Puncher 5114
- Variable Multi Hole (4 , 3 & 2 hole)
- Easily Remove punching Pin for Desired Punch
- Punch Pin Slides on Track for Desired Distance between Punch
- Punches up to 30 sheets of paper (80gsm).
- Ideal for time planners, 3 hole US, 4 hole Swedish or any other format.
- Very easily adjustable number of holes and distance between through easy to use clip.
- Clip system allows hole number and distances to be easily adjusted.
- 4 cutters included, additional cutters available.
- Easily adjustable scale bar with ruler in cm, inches and settings for the most common ring binders and personal organizers.
- Easy to read and sturdy guide bar, up to A2.
- Integrated lever mechanism saves storage space.